Interview Requests
Web Foundation representatives are active spokespeople in the media and are available for interview. From time to time, we are also able to contribute op-eds or feature articles.
Our key commentators include:
- Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the World Wide Web and Founding Director of the Web Foundation
- Anne Jellema, Web Foundation CEO
- Sonia Jorge, Executive Director, Alliance For Affordable Internet (Topics include: Affordability, Policy and Regulation, Web for Development)
- Jose M. Alonso, Programme Manager, Open Data (Topics include: Open Data, Transparency, Governance, The Web and Democracy)
- Renata Avila, Campaign Manager, Web We Want (Topics include: Human Rights Online, Privacy, Surveillance, Censorship)
- Nnenna Nwakanma, Africa Regional Coordinator (Topics include: The Web in Africa, Affordability, Human Rights Online, Freedom of Expression)
To request an interview with or an article by a Web Foundation spokesperson, please email:
For time-sensitive requests, you can also contact Dillon Mann, Head of Communications on +44 203 289 7261 or at
For media requests relating to the Alliance for Affordable Internet, please contact Lauran Potter on + 1 512 814 6681 or at
Facts and Figures About the Web Foundation
- We were established in 2009 by the inventor of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee.
- Our mission is “to advance the open Web as a public good and a basic right”.
- We have around thirty team members, working from four hubs in Cape Town, Jakarta, London, and Washington DC. Over a dozen nationalities work at the Foundation, and more than half of our senior managers are women.
- Our work focuses on ‘Expanding Access’, ‘Raising Voices’ and ‘Enhancing Participation’ using a mix of research, advocacy and practical innovation.
- We work with 160 partner organisations across 70 countries.
- We’re well-known for our research. This site hosts a full database of our research and publications, and our most high-profile studies include:
- The Web Index: an 86-country study of the World Wide Web’s contribution to social, economic and political progress.
- The Open Data Barometer: aims to uncover the true prevalence and impact of open data initiatives around the world.
- The Affordability Report: a deep dive into factors driving Internet affordability across 51 developing and emerging countries.
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Unless clearly marked otherwise, all material on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons CC-BY-4.0 licence. This means that you are free to reuse or distribute our material, without needing to ask for permission, as long as you cite your source as “The World Wide Web Foundation” and provide a link to the original material if appropriate. For avoidance of doubt, this includes images, video, blog posts, and research reports. If you simply want to quote or reuse something you’ve seen on this site, there’s no need to write to us for permission.