Interview Requests

Web Foundation representatives are active spokespeople in the media and are available for interview. From time to time, we are also able to contribute op-eds or feature articles.

Our key commentators include:

To request an interview with or an article by a Web Foundation spokesperson, please email:

For time-sensitive requests, you can also contact Dillon Mann, Head of Communications on +44 203 289 7261 or at

For media requests relating to the Alliance for Affordable Internet, please contact Lauran Potter on + 1 512 814 6681 or at

Facts and Figures About the Web Foundation

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Unless clearly marked otherwise, all material on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons CC-BY-4.0 licence.  This means that you are free to reuse or distribute our material, without needing to ask for permission, as long as you cite your source as “The World Wide Web Foundation” and provide a link to the original material if appropriate. For avoidance of doubt, this includes images, video, blog posts, and research reports. If you simply want to quote or reuse something you’ve seen on this site, there’s no need to write to us for permission.