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Toward an International Open Data Charter

Web Foundation · May 28, 2015

Here at the Web Foundation, we believe that open data can have a transformative impact. It can enhance citizen participation and increase opportunities for social and economic development. Today, we’re excited to announce that we’ve played a role in the release of a draft International Open Data Charter. When complete, this Charter will provide governments with a clear set of guidelines and commitments upon which to build and strengthen their open data efforts, allowing nations to realise the full potential of open data.

Drafted by the Open Government Partnership Open Data Working Group (co-chaired by the Web Foundation and the Government of Canada) and supported by the Open Data for Development (OD4D) programme, the International Open Data Charter builds upon the key tenets of the G8 Open Data Charter, laying out a set of principles that will serve as the foundation for access to, and the release and use of, open government data. These principles are:

  1. Open data by default;
  2. Quality and quantity;
  3. Useable by all;
  4. Engagement and empowerment of citizens; and
  5. Collaboration for development and innovation.

A global consultation process to develop and finalise the International Open Data Charter Principles will be open from June 1 to August 30, 2015. We encourage you to visit the International Open Data Charter website (, where you can read and learn more about the Charter, support the initiative, and provide your comments and feedback on the Charter draft.

Continue reading below for the full official announcement.

Open data sits at the heart of a global movement with the potential to generate significant social and economic benefits around the world. Acknowledging multiple worldwide initiatives calling for better access and use of data to support countries to fight corruption, address global challenges, and achieve development goals, today, key experts, officials, and advocates in the open data field are announcing the launch of a global consultation on the development, launch, and implementation of a new International Open Data Charter.

Building on efforts that have already been undertaken in relation to the G8 Open Data Charter, the G20 commitment to open data principles, the UN Data Revolution Task Force, and a number of other multilateral groups and initiatives, the primary focus of this global consultation will be the collaborative development of an International Open Data Charter consisting of a set of foundational principles for open data, as well as associated tools and guidelines to enable delivery.

The consultation will also focus on the development of a sustainable model for the ongoing renewal and implementation of the Charter, and ongoing assessment of its impact.

The overarching goal of this effort will be to foster greater coherence and collaboration for the increased adoption and full implementation of open data principles, standards and good practices across sectors around the world.

As a first step, on the margins of the International Open Data Conference, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Open Data Working Group (co-chaired by Government of Canada and the Web Foundation), the Government of Mexico, the Open Data for Development (OD4D) Network, and Omidyar Network convened a meeting of open data champions from around the world to discuss next steps for consultations on the International Open Data Charter. This meeting included representatives of governments, civil society organizations, and multilateral institutions from around the world.

The conveners of this meeting will continue to lead the development of a global, multistakeholder Charter partnership during its initial catalyzing phase.

Additional open data experts, officials, and champions, known as stewards, have committed themselves to work closely with the leaders of this new partnership toward the official launch of the International Open Data Charter in the latter part of 2015. In the coming weeks, stewards will be identified at As consultations continue and the Charter partnership grows, more stewards will be added to this list.

There will be rolling launch of the International Open Data Charter through the latter part of 2015, with key events planned in September at the United Nations General Assembly in New York and in October at the OGP Annual Summit in Mexico.

In advance of the launch, stewards of the International Open Data Charter will be conducting a transparent, inclusive global consultation process to develop and finalize the International Open Data Charter Principles from June 1 to August 30th, 2015.

We enthusiastically invite all individuals and organizations working around the world in the domain of open data to engage in the development of the International Open Data Charter by adding their support as stewards of this new initiative, or by providing comments and feedback on the draft Charter at

For any questions regarding this exciting new initiative, or to volunteer as a Charter steward, please contact


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