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Open Data in Developing Countries: Phase Two

July 27, 2015

The goal of the Web Foundation’s open data research programme is clear. We want to equip policymakers and shapers with actionable insights to ensure that open data becomes a powerful tool for development, particularly in the Global South. In line with this mission, in 2014 we completed the first phase of our Exploring the Emerging Impacts of Open Data in Developing Countries (ODDC).

This phase – ODDC1 – was an important first step, but we knew we had to go further. So, we embarked on ODDC2 – further synthesis research around common themes which arose across many of the projects. We deliberately chose not to focus on the technical aspects of open data, but rather on the social, political and legal aspects required to build a thriving open data community – one which is capable of using open data as a tool to improve the day to day lives of citizens. The results of these projects are available below.

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We hope that by sharing the insights from these projects, we can build on the body of knowledge on how open data impacts developing countries and how we can make sure we see the biggest impact from it. This is a tall order, so we are excited to share that we will be continuing our work with a third phase that builds on our academic research to carry out testing and innovation.

Results from ODDC phases one and three of the ODDC project are now also available.

This project is supported by the Open Data for Development (OD4D) program, a partnership funded by Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the World Bank, United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID), and Global Affairs Canada (GAC).