Contract for the Web launch — Social kit
On Monday 25 November, Sir Tim Berners-Lee will launch the Contract for the Web — the first-ever global plan of action to make our online world safe and empowering for everyone.
Please help us share the launch on social media. We’ve suggested sample text and graphics below. Graphics can be downloaded via the provided links.
Share the launch with hashtag #WebWeWant and the link
Copy and paste the text to tweet the messages below.
I/We back the Contract for the Web because __________ (fill in — 170 characters remaining.)
Join me/us to build the #WebWeWant.
The web is one of the most powerful tools we’ve ever had to transform our lives for the better.
Never before has the web’s power for good been more under threat.
It doesn’t have to be this way. We can — and must — fight for the #WebWeWant @webfoundation
.@timberners_lee warns that if we don’t act now — and act together — we risk squandering the web’s potential as a force for good.
Will you join me/us and fight for the #WebWeWant? @webfoundation
Twitter Graphics
Click the links to download the graphics below.

Facebook/LinkedIn Posts
Copy and paste the text to post the messages below.
The Contract for the Web is the first-ever global plan of action to make our online world safe and empowering for everyone.
I/We back the Contract for the Web because _________ (fill in).
Join me/us to fight for the #WebWeWant.
The web is one of the most powerful tools we’ve ever had to transform our lives for the better — it transforms people’s lives, enriches society and reduces inequality.
But never before has its power for good been more under threat.
Online scams cost users millions. Cyber bullying is on the rise. Foreign state actors use disinformation to undermine democracy.
We must take action to fight for the #WebWeWant.
Facebook/LinkedIn Graphics
Click the links to download the graphics below.