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Tim Berners-Lee | CERN.

Tim Berners-Lee | CERN.

Save the date: World Wide Web turns 30 on March 12

Web Foundation · February 14, 2019

We’ll be celebrating the web’s 30 birthday on Tuesday, March 12 and you’re invited to join us!

When Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989, he changed the world forever. To mark this milestone, Sir Tim will embark on a 30-hour journey, starting at CERN in Switzerland where he worked when he invented the web and ending in Lagos, Nigeria.

The celebrations will kick-off at CERN in Geneva on the morning of March 12, where Sir Tim will join a great line-up of speakers to reflect on the impact the web has had over the last 30 years. The event will be live-streamed from 8:00 am CET.

Later that day, in partnership with the Science Museum in London, we’re hosting an evening of conversation with Sir Tim who, along with other leaders in science, technology and policy, will discuss how the web has changed our lives and what we can do to protect it. The event will be live-streamed from 17:00 GMT.

In Lagos, Sir Tim and Web Foundation co-founder Rosemary Leith will visit the Women’s Technology Empowerment Centre (W.TEC) which works to nurture the next generation of female technology creators, entrepreneurs and leaders. They will also visit Co-Creation Hub (CcHub) where technologists and social entrepreneurs work to solve social challenges in Nigeria.

We’ll be inviting everyone to join in the celebrations by contributing to a crowdsourced Twitter timeline of the web’s most important milestones. Tweet your own web moments at #Web30 and #ForTheWeb.


For the latest on our Web@30 celebrations, subscribe to receive our newsletter, follow us on Twitter at @webfoundation & sign up to our Facebook birthday event.

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  1. Weston Richmond

    February 16, 2019

    Thank you for this post.. a 30 hour digital celebration! Date saved.


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    1. j2095812506_4BE2@icloud.com

      February 26, 2019

      Happy 30th World Wide Web! Looking forward to another 30 years.


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      1. Benjamin Wilson

        March 12, 2019

        Hi my name is Benjamin. I was born at approximately 11:10 - 11:11am on the 12th of March 1989, in Brisbane Australia. Today I woke up and used the internet like every other day. Only to find out that I share the birthday of the world wide web. I have to say that I am proud to share this date. I found this website and really appreciate what the organization stands for. I made a donation and plan to do so every year, whilst reminding my peers of this organization and what they represent. I have a great passion for technology and the internet, often finding myself lost in how fast is has grown. I wonder what time on 12/03/1989 was the internet created? Kind regards. Benjamin Jacob Wilson


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        1. Shubham Maurya

          February 20, 2022

          I had to my birthday is on 12/March/2003 and i like this date to much glad to see you had too ;) ;) ;) keep smiling


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        2. Rohan sangwan

          March 12, 2019

          very nice mind


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          1. saa3qw3w

            March 6, 2021

            World Wide Web Anniversary Is Coming


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