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© Lemonade Bandida, CC BY 2.0

© Lemonade Bandida, CC BY 2.0

An inclusive dialogue for the internet Bill of Rights in Guatemala

Web Foundation · January 27, 2017

This post was originally published in Spanish on

The Web Foundation, supported by the UK Embassy in Guatemala and in collaboration with a number of organisations and volunteers, this week kicked off a conversation about the future of the internet in Guatemala.

For the next three weeks, we’ll be traveling around the country, speaking to students, community leaders, ICT experts and many others, to listen to their ideas and desires for the future of the internet in Guatemala.

It is a conversation about rights, but also about effective ways to protect and respect ourselves when we use new technologies. It is a conversation that seeks to highlight not only the economic benefits of connectivity, but also the social, cultural and artistic benefits of connecting with the rest of the world.

Questions, ideas, and policy asks gleaned from these community discussions will help to inform the building of an Internet Bill of Rights for Guatemala that reflects the priorities of the Guatemalan people.

Our dialogue will be centred around a text prepared by a group of international experts, including the inventor of the web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, which has inspired similar processes to build internet bills of rights in Brazil, France, Italy, the Philippines and Nigeria.

See here for a list of planned activities and conversations taking place throughout Guatemala over the next three weeks, and join us there!

To find out more and keep up with planned events, follow the Web We Want campaign on Twitter at @webwewant.

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