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Mobile Web Ghana Project Wins 3rd place in Apps4Africa Contest

Max Froumentin · December 14, 2011

The U.S. Department of State has announced the West and Central Africa winners of the Apps4Africa: Climate Challenge in Durban, South Africa on December 7, 2011. The third place was awarded to Alloysius Attah and Emmanuel Owusu Addai, who developed the winning application, FarmerLine, during Mobile Web Ghana‘s training programme last September.

FarmerLine is a mobile web application that  farmers can use to find agricultural information that would otherwise be difficult to find due to the lack of knowledgeable extension officers, poor transport and inadequate standard communication channels.

Alloysius and Emmanuel win $3000 to help them develop the project further. As more and more MWG trainees are moving toward starting businesses based upon the projects they initiated during the course, this is terrific news that will motivate all our trainees who wish to design services that make a difference.

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