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Sir Tim Berners-Lee on stage during 2012 Olympics. Image ©PA Images, not for reuse.

At the Web Foundation, we’re hard at work to deliver digital equality. Your support can help our work removing barriers to connectivity, fighting censorship and surveillance, and democratising access to information and knowledge.

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Working in partnership with over 160 organisations, we reach into 70 countries, affecting over 2 billion people.

In recent months, our work has:

  • Set a new standard for global internet affordability. Our Alliance for Affordable Internet initiative defined a new, ambitious benchmark for what counts as ‘affordable’ internet – 1GB of data for <2% of incomeand won commitments to this from countries, regional bodies, civil society partners and major lenders
  • Pioneered innovative local solutions using open data to tackle real-world challenges. One example is TechMousso, a challenge which brought together 100+ civil society leaders, policy makers and technologists in Cote d’Ivoire to build tools with gender data. Meanwhile, our Open Data Lab in Jakarta helped anti-corruption watchdog GeRAK to use open data to change mining policy.
  • Helped ensure the web in Europe remains ‘For Everyone’. Working closely with partners, we added our voice, and that of our founder to a key consultation on net neutrality, and called on citizens to do the same. The result? Half a million people demanded regulators protect the open internet – and they listened, issuing strong guidelines that keep the web a level playing field for innovation.   
  • Delivered new insights on the gender digital divide – and helped to provide solutions to policymakers. Building on our groundbreaking 2015 study – which found that women in poor urban communities were 50% less likely than men to be online, we produced 10 Women’s Rights Online country scorecards to guide partners and policymakers on key gender issues. The scorecards have sparked debate and inspired policymakers around the world (and they helped win us a major award) but we won’t rest until this translates into meaningful change.  

Consider making a donation and joining us in our fight to establish the open Web as a basic right and a public good. If you are interested in supporting a particular area of our work, or would like to discuss different ways to give, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Together, we can ensure that the web remains free, open and accessible to all.